Heinrich Neuhaus Web Site


visitors since October, 16th, 2000


Neuhaus' Museum in  Kirovograd (formerly Elisavetgrad), the Town where H.Neuhaus was born.
Documents, pictures, exhibitions, and more. Very interesting site.

Leopold Godowsky web site

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A comprehensive site, including  discography, about Sviatoslav Richter, by Paul Geffen.

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Geometry.net collection of links on Richter

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Sviatoslav Richter Home page (un-official) by Philippe Bocher.

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Biography and excerpts at cbc radio

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Geometry.net collection of links on Gilels

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H.Neuhaus about Glenn Glould

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Emil Gilels web site

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A comprehensive discography about Emil Gilels, by Ates Tanin, at doremi

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Excerpts at music and arts

The personal page of Nina Svetlanova, a  H.Neuhaus pupil now working and living in USA. Interesting recollections about H.Neuhaus,  Grigory Kogan, Zara Doloukhanova, Sofronitsky.